Growing Pains: Discovering Wholeheartedness as a CollegE Student
How is a college student to stumble into wholeheartedness? He or she is to embark on a journey to feel and accept the entire spectrum of emotions that exist, instead of parsing out which emotions are convenient or productive. He or she is to welcome a life that permits slowing down as a revolutionary act of self-care. He or she is to tirelessly walk laps around the world while walking a mile in others’ shoes. He or she is to start living from the heart, and not just the mind.
Summer in my rearview mirror
I found this poem I wrote in August when I was cleaning out my room the other day. February felt like a heavy month, as did last August. This piece signified me feeling like I was coming out of a funk, much like how I felt now on this crisp March day: nostalgic & present & wistful & grateful all at the same time.
Live Like Nobody Is Watching
I previously interpreted the saying “dance like nobody’s watching you” as encouragement to get beyond human feelings of shame or embarrassment. I thought the premise was that we dance differently depending on whether people are watching. I couldn’t get beyond the part that involved people watching me (or not.) I used to think that the saying implies that we have an audience as we encounter these silly little lives of ours. Now, I disagree. I think I lost something vital in my being when I likened life to a live performance.
Floating Through the Impact Zone
I’ve gotten really good at appreciating the still waters, at seeing the beauty in life’s simpler beauties. When it gets tougher, though, that beautiful water gets sandier and cloudier and it’s hard for me to see all the goodness because I’m spending half my time underwater, diving under wave after wave.
You’re Doing Your F*cking Best.
sometimes your best looks “better” than others. it’s not better, it’s different. it’s the best you can in that moment, and that’s all that really matters. let you be the judge of you... not “those people” you’re so worried about—they’re not living this life for you.
The Time Jesus Was My Uber Driver
Today started off like the children’s book, Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. BUT, as I was ready to ~officially lose my mind~ and the tears of frustration were beginning to fall, my Uber driver, Brian Starr, swooped in to save the day.
Let People Love You!
I’m going to say it again: let people love you. I don’t know if that sounds like a simple sentiment to all of you, but, for me, it was something that sounded simple but did NOT sound easy. I would get in my own way when it came to friendships, choosing to believe that I wasn’t worthy of being surrounded by amazing people. I’d try to only show the “good” parts of myself, so that people would like me better.
I Love Now.
you can’t learn from what you’re living through if you don’t give yourself the permission to be PRESENT. take the time to get to know yourself, to experience this moment fully. it’s human to be so caught up in worries about the possible scenarios of the future and the mind replay-loops of the past that we forget to take a deep, grateful breath and see the LOVE and BLESSINGS unique to RIGHT NOW.