Live Like Nobody Is Watching
I previously interpreted the saying “dance like nobody’s watching you” as encouragement to get beyond human feelings of shame or embarrassment. I thought the premise was that we dance differently depending on whether people are watching. I couldn’t get beyond the part that involved people watching me (or not.) I used to think that the saying implies that we have an audience as we encounter these silly little lives of ours. Now, I disagree. I think I lost something vital in my being when I likened life to a live performance.
Seeing My Insecurities as a Superpower
Herein lies the superpower in my at-times-insecurity-riddled life: the moment when I got so fed up with playing small that I decided there was nothing to lose and I wanted to CHANGE. The magic of my inner critic is that she led me to a lifestyle in which she no longer occupies center stage.
My Small Rebellion
So, I’m weird. I’m imperfect. I am honest. I contradict myself a bit. I am wrong. I try. That’s all I could ask for. I’m here. This is my act of revolution. And, I’m proud of it.